I used to see people taking their kids to Disneyland when they were babies and toddlers and think they were making a huge mistake taking their kids before they could remember it. But then I had kids and took them to Disneyland…
And realized it was the BEST THING EVER.
I took Reagan for the first time when she was 9 months old and Elliott’s first trip was to Disney World when she was 6 months old. They don’t remember a thing from those trips, but I do and I’m so glad we went!
For those of you wondering what is so great about taking kids to Disneyland when they’re young, or wondering if you should bother planning a trip with kids who won’t remember anything, this post is for you! I listed my favorite things about taking little kids to Disneyland, and what makes those trips so special!
1. Kids under the age of 3 are FREE! What better reason to go than not having to pay for your kids?! Disneyland is already expensive, so any way to save a few dollars is a win in my book!
2. Everything is PURE MAGIC in their eyes. There is nothing like watching the magic of Disneyland through the eyes of a child, and the younger they are the more magical everything is. I love watching them take everything in for the first time, and getting so excited over all the rides, attractions, and characters!
3. Smaller kids are easier to keep track of! Just telling it like it is, kids are easier to do Disneyland with when they’re in a stroller and being pushed through the park than when they’re more independent and want to walk on their own!
4. Younger kids are more likely to share food, which saves you even more money! We always bring a ton of snacks and a packed lunch into the park, but we end up buying dinner and buying multiple plates gets expensive. Luckily my kids like the same foods so they’re able to share the meal, making it about $8 total for their dinner!
5. Rider switch! If you go to Disneyland with kids who are too small to go on the big rides, and you have another adult with you, you can do a rider switch! Disneyland lets a first adult go on the big ride with a Fastpass (you have to use Fastpasses to do rider switch), then when they get off the ride the second adult gets to go through the Fastpass line too! This is particularly great for groups who have more than one adult, because multiple people can go on the ride a second time! Read more about Rider Switch here.
6. We don’t miss school! Reagan is part of a home joy school group right now, but next year she starts preschool (which I pay for) so we won’t be able to pick up and leave whenever we want anymore. I love taking advantage of the fact that she’s not in school yet and using that time to do all the fun things!
7. Younger kids still nap! Giving adults a chance to either go on big rides or eat a churro in peace and without having to share! I personally love strolling main street and taking in all of the nostalgia from my childhood without worrying about trying to get to the next ride or handing my kids a million snacks, and having some me-time while my kids nap 🙂
8. Kids are only kids for so long. Along the same lines as above, the older kids get the more rigorous their schedules become and the more activities they become involved in. All of those things are great but they can take away from the childhood experience, and I don’t want my kids to miss a second of being a kid! I will take them to Disneyland as often as I can so they get to love every minute of this time where the magic is real and they have nothing else to worry about!
9. They start to remember earlier than you think. Reagan started remembering Disneyland around the time she was 2 1/2. We had just finished our three day trip to Disney World and it was her third time being to Disney. She didn’t talk a ton back then but whenever we would talk about Disney she would bring up things that happened during our last trip! It made me so happy that she remembered little details and wanted to go back! Now at 3 1/2 she remembers pretty much everything, sings all the songs, and tells me her favorite rides. It is the best thing in the world!
10. They have just as much fun. Seriously! They have as much (if not more) fun when they’re young as when they’re older. You’re not going to ruin a future Disneyland experience for your children by taking them when they’re little, you’re just going to give them more magic to experience! There are so many things to experience at Disneyland besides the big rides, and by taking your younger kids they will get to enjoy all of it!
If you want to read my tips and advice for doing Disneyland with toddlers and babies, check out some of my posts!
10 Things You Need from Amazon Before Your Next Disney Trip
Disneyland with a Toddler
Disneyland with a Baby