I used to do these life updates every couple of months but I have been seriously slacking lately! I love sharing all then nitty gritty details of our goings on over on my Instagram stories, but it’s fun to document here as well. And since Jared just graduated from his first Masters program (yay!) I figured now was a great time to get back into the routine of these posts!

1.Like I mentioned above, Jared just finished his first Master’s program! It was one year long and upon reflection, went by quicker than I thought. The first semester was pretty rough, but we eventually got into the swing of things and used to our new lifestyle! Jared worked really hard to do exceptionally well in this program, and I am excited for him to start PA school in July.
2. Even though it’s only May we have already had our fair share of 90 degree weather days! Currently considering moving into our friend’s backyard since we have been over there so much to swim anyways. Loving our swimsuits from Kortni Jeane and these fun personalized towels from Luxor Linens!

3. I found some really amazing thrift store furniture lately so I have been rearranging everything in our home and selling a bunch of stuff to make room for our new things. I love rearranging with things I already have to make a space feel new! I have content planned weekly for the next bit to show you everything I’ve been up to, so stay tuned for that!
4. Jared and I went on a shooting date last weekend and had so much fun! Turns out that after three years without practice I’m still dang accurate, so don’t mess with me 😉

5. I might get in trouble for saying this but we have been watching The Originals on Netflix and I am surprised but both Jared and I like it! It’s a spinoff (I think) of Vampire Diaries but we’ve only watched this show and are really enjoying it.
6. My friend and I co-hosted an essential oil roller bottle making party with our other friends and it was super fun! I’m thinking it would be fun to somehow do a virtual one, for those of you who have oils and don’t know how to use them, so I’m brainstorming how to make that happen.

7. We’re going to San Diego the first week of June as a family for the first time since we got married! I’m excited because June is the coldest month in San Diego and one of the hotter ones in Vegas so it will be a nice break to gear us up for the miserable summer headed our way.
8. I started a new business venture assisting brands with influencer marketing and it is going really well! It’s strange to look at my life now and how it all revolves around marketing, when I graduated with a degree in Medical Lab Science haha. For a minute in college I wanted to study communications and now I’m kind of wishing I did! But knowing tons of stuff about the human body and medicine is pretty cool too 😉

9. I went into an Abercrombie & Fitch store for the first time in over a decade and it flooded back memories of middle school and high school. I am very happy with my bermuda shorts purchase but I think I will stick to ordering online for now!
10. My 10 year high school reunion is this year and thinking about it gives me MAJOR anxiety! High school years were not my best years and I don’t really have the desire to relive them haha. I’m curious if you went to your reunion or not, and I would love to hear your reasoning!