I am officially one week postpartum with my third baby and definitely in survival mode! I’ve had my parents here to help and they have been an absolute God-send and the only reason we’re even surviving over here.
I wrote a postpartum survival guide after having Elliott, but so much changed since I had her 3 1/2 years ago that this postpartum experience is much different! It was time for an updated guide on things that make postpartum life easier. We are using these 10 things every day and they are making postpartum life that much easier and more manageable!
Silverette cups // These replaced nipple balm for me and work so much better! I was skeptical at first but these are worth every penny if you are breastfeeding.
Changing basket // I love that this basket comes with a mattress, a washable pad, and it looks really cute in our nursery area!
Jolly Pop pacifier // They gave us this pacifier in the hospital and Hunter took to it immediately!
Itzy Ritzy pacifier // These are just super cute, and come in fun colors!
Snuggle me organic lounger // Hunter naps in here during the day and loves it!
Snuggle me cover // I bought a cover from Etsy and like how it fits much more than the snuggle me brand fits!
Pacifier clips // A fun small shop find! These will make great teethers when the time comes as well.
Puck lights // We have a changing station set up in our closet for middle of the night diaper changes, but the closet light was way too bright. I bought these battery powered lights to allow us to see what we’re doing without being blinded for every diaper change.
Diffuser // I love this diffuser for so many reasons but the night light option is a big win for breastfeeding in the middle of the night.
Velcro swaddles // Hunter used a blanket swaddle for a couple of days before learning how to break out. These velcro swaddles are perfect for keeping him snuggled at night.
Vegan leather mat // This is perfect for our diaper changing station in the main living area! It is huge so it will grow with Hunter and be perfect for on the go diaper changes as well.