25 Week Bumpdate!

I think it’s around this week of pregnancy when if baby were born, her chance of survival is really high so that’s exciting! Not that I’m expecting her to be born THIS early, but it’s comforting to know we’re far enough along that she could survive if that were to happen.

This was a pretty good week, I had a doctor’s appointment and it’s always fun to hear the heartbeat. Reagan comes with me and sits on my lap and gets the most confused look on her face when we hear the heartbeat, like why is your belly making that sound?!

I’m still experiencing some not so fun pregnancy symptoms, but they were pretty mild this week so I’m very grateful for that.

How far along? 25 weeks!

Total weight gain: 20 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes! I can still wear a couple pairs of nonmaternity leggings but I don’t want to keep stretching them out so I’ll probably stop wearing them soon!

Stretch marks? No new ones

Sleep: I usually wake up to pee at least once and I wake up when I need to adjust positions, but I’m able to go right back to sleep which is great! Reagan is still taking great naps so I usually get an hour nap during the day 🙂

Best moment this week: I had a doctor’s appointment this week and I’m measuring big for how far along I am. Considering baby girl is also measuring farther along, I’m hoping my due date gets moved up a little bit and we get to meet this girl sooner than we thought!

Miss Anything? Being able to move without grunting.

Movement: Constantly! We can see her moving around in my belly now too which is fun.

Food cravings: Not really this week!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Bacon. Blech.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: Nope, but lots of braxton hicks.

Symptoms: Cramping, PUPPS rash, swollen hands and feet, back pain, vein pain. It’s a party over here.

Belly Button in or out? So out.

Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Getting baby girl out of here!

Thanks for following along!

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