This post is sponsored by Evivo but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Hunter just turned four months old and I am shocked at how quickly time is flying! He is such a joy in our lives and the easiest and happiest baby. Every stage with him is fun!
When Hunter was a newborn, he wasn’t so happy and easy. He experienced a lot of symptoms from gas and it was physically painful for him and emotionally painful for us to observe. At one of his well checks, his care provider suggested starting him on a probiotic and that is where our experience with Evivo began!
(For the full backstory on our initial experience with Evivo, click HERE).

Why Did We Choose Evivo?
Evivo is the only baby probiotic that contains activated B. infantis EVC001* which begins working instantly to provide the good bacteria baby needs while also reducing bad gut bacteria by up to 80%. It is clinically proven to provide immune protection in baby’s gut starting in as little as two days. We saw an almost immediate change in Hunter after starting him on Evivo! His tummy aches and diaper rash disappeared, and he no longer experienced painful symptoms from gas.
After sharing our positive experience with Evivo and B. infantis EVC001 on Instagram, I thought it would be beneficial to go over common misconceptions and important things to know about baby’s gut health. Even as a medical professional and mom of three, I didn’t know some of these things until Hunter was a newborn! Let’s dive in:

Common Misconception #1
Baby probiotics are only needed when symptoms appear.
A recent study published by Scientific Reports shows 9 out of 10 babies are born with Newborn Gut Deficiency. They are born without the critical good gut bacteria, B. infantis. Babies may show short-term issues such as fussiness, diaper rash, colic and eczema, but even a baby who looks healthy may have Newborn Gut Deficiency. Evivo reduces bad bacteria in the gut by 80%, and restores the good bacteria that are missing 100% of the time.
Common Misconception #2
Babies will grow out of tummy troubles as they get older.
The first six months of baby’s life are critical for proper immune and metabolic development. A gut with too much bad bacteria may lead to long term issues for baby. There are additional risks associated with the chronic inflammation that comes along with Newborn Gut Deficiency. It can also put your baby at a higher risk of developing asthma, allergies, and Type 1 Diabetes later in life.
Common Misconception #3
All probiotics are the same.
Strain matters! Evivo is the only baby probiotic that contains activated B. infantis EVC001, that is clinically proven to be 100% effective in restoring B. infantis to baby’s gut, while reducing bad bacteria by 80%. From the Evivo website, “The B. infantis strain in Evivo is genetically complete, with all components present. It is uniquely activated to allow full digestion and benefit for baby. Other strains of B. infantis are incomplete and not activated, unable to break down components of baby’s diet which can lead to gas, fussiness, and poor sleep.”

Our Experience
We started giving Hunter Evivo baby probiotics two months ago, and he has not experienced painful gas symptoms since! He has not had a diaper rash, he sleeps 6-8 hour stretches every night, and is overall the happiest baby! I recommend Evivo to my friends and family, and I’m excited to recommend it to my followers as well. Learn more about Evivo and use my discount code (BLOG26ZMJ3) for $10 off a one month starter kit or (BLOGJWBD69) to get $20 off a two month or greater starter kit to try it for yourself!

*B. infantis EVC001 out-performs other commercially-available B. infantis strains lacking important functions of the H5 cluster
#NewbornGutDeficiency #NGDAwareness #MyEvivoStory