Are you tired of me talking about diaper bags yet? 😉 I hope not, because I have another fun diaper bag related post for you today!
And if you haven’t read my Diaper Bag Review Guide yet, make sure to check that out HERE!
One of my most frequently asked diaper bag related questions is how to keep a diaper bag organized. I think the answer largely varies based on the bag you have, but there are 3 simple ways to optimize diaper bag space, and I have decided to share those with you today!

NUMBER ONE: I put that in all caps because it is truly my number one piece of advice for having an organized and functional diaper bag. And that advice is packing cases! Packing cases like THESE are the key to optimizing storage in your diaper bag. They keep everything organized and easy to find, leaving you more room when you need it and prepared for every circumstance. I use and love these ones, and highly recommend them!

Number TWO: Do not overpack!!! Having two toddlers means I can pack a whole lot less than I did when I had a newborn, but this principle is equally important to everyone! Here’s how to accomplish this task: purchase the packing cases above and designate each one for something different. My large one is for diapers, medium is for snacks, and small is for first aid/hygiene. After the essentials, use the cupholder pocket for a bottle or sippy cup, use a small zippered pocket for keys and your wallet/cell phone, roll a swaddle blanket/burp cloth/extra outfit for the main compartment, add a pacifier to an interior cup pocket, clip hand sanitizer to the outside of the bag, and put chapstick in another small pocket. Reconsider the extra extra outfit, utensils, toys, books, pens, planner, etc and you have a clean and well packed diaper bag!

Number THREE: Clean out your bag weekly, at least! You will be so surprised at how much junk can accumulate in your diaper bag over the course of one week! I’m talking old snacks, receipts, empty bottles, you won’t believe how much will get lost at the bottom of your bag! Don’t let it pile up, clean out your bag once a week to keep that open space for the things you really need.
My diaper bag in these pictures is from Lily Jade and it’s my FAVORITE and the best I’ve ever used! Find it HERE.