6 Week Update

Elliott is 6 weeks old today! It seems like we’ve had her for forever, but at the same time I feel like she’s growing WAY too fast. Reagan has always been small, so seeing Elliott outgrow her so quickly has been sad because we feel like we didn’t have enough itty bitty time with her.

The thing people seem to be most interested in when it comes to newborns is how they’re sleeping. Lucky for me, Elliott has been a champion sleeper since day one! We’ve had a few rough nights, but for the most part she sleeps 3-4 hour stretches at a time. Twice now, she’s slept 6 hours straight and those nights have been ahhhmazing! She takes good naps during the day, and we’re working on getting her on the same sleep schedule as Reagan. She sleeps in this swaddle from Star Sacks which we love! It’s the only one she can’t break free of, and it allows her to move while still being secure.

Girlfriend eats constantly! I attribute her sleeping well at night to the fact that she eats every 1-2 hours during the day. I did a lot to make sure my milk supply was adequate this time so I know that she’s getting what she needs at every feeding. She was in the 97th percentile at her 2 week appointment, and as of last week she was almost 11 pounds so she is growing like crazy!

Elliott is in size 3-6 month clothes! She spits up all the time so we mostly just keep her in the cheap onesies from Walmart.

I feel like she started smiling around 4 weeks, but she is definitely smiling now! She loves hearing big sister and watching her play, and she is wildly unimpressed with tummy tickles. When we were at the beach last week, she was sooo smiley and that was really fun. As soon as we take her outside she just melts in our arms and is so relaxed. When we try to do tummy time, she just lays there and falls asleep, but she’s super active at keeping her head up when she’s on our shoulders or baby wearing!

Elliott went on her first trip to San Diego with us and she did great! I started flying with Reagan when she was 4 weeks old, and I’m glad we got to do the same with Elliott. We went to visit my parents in San Diego and had so much fun. Flying with two kids by myself was a little daunting, but all the flight staff were super helpful and we had our own row which makes a huge difference. Elliott mostly slept the whole time, and Reagan loved having her own seat so it went really well.

Elliott’s two month appointment is at the end of September, and I’m so excited to see how she’s been growing and developing! She is such a blessing in our lives and we are thrilled to have her be a part of our family!


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