This post is sponsored by Evivo, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.

Now that we have a baby in the house, my girls are asking what they were like as babies. I tell them the truth, Reagan cried ALL the time and Elliott was super chill! Reagan’s first year was incredibly difficult, she was colicky and struggled with bowel movements from the day she was born. We tried several things and had tests done, but were never able to get her healthy and comfortable. I wish I had known about infant gassiness and how probiotics can help back then, but I’m grateful for the knowledge going forward and am excited to share what I’ve learned so far!

Symptoms of Poor Gut Health in Infants
Gassiness, diaper rash, colic, and lack of sleep can all be considered normal parts of newborn life, but they are also linked to poor baby gut health. These symptoms along with several others may be reduced when emphasis is placed on establishing good gut health. Helping baby’s good gut bacteria flourish in the first six months of life is crucial in promoting healthy immune system development early on, as well as into the future.
Babies are born without gut bacteria. They receive their first bacteria from mom during the delivery process. B. infantis is the strain of bacteria passed from mom to baby that crowds out the bad bacteria in the gut. Over the years, the amount of transferred B. infantis has significantly decreased. This is due to increased usage of antibiotics and other modern medicine techniques that currently leave more than 9 out of 10 babies born without B. infantis. When baby doesn’t have B. infantis, there is room for bad bacteria to multiply in the gut and cause symptoms to appear.

How do Babies Receive B. infantis if not from Mom?
Since baby is not receiving this bacteria from mom at birth, it’s important to introduce it into baby’s diet. The most effective way to do this is with a probiotic! Evivo is a probiotic with activated B. infantis developed for infants. It’s easy to prepare by mixing with 3-4 mls of breastmilk and giving to baby via syringe once daily. Evivo is the only clinically proven probiotic that reduces bad bacteria by up to 80% and repopulates baby’s gut with the good bacteria that are missing. With activated B. infantis from Evivo, baby’s immune system and metabolism can properly develop and set baby up for a lifetime of better health!
Why I give Evivo to my Baby
While Hunter isn’t as colicky as Reagan, he definitely experiences gas pains regularly. It is so difficult to see your baby in pain, and in researching options for managing gassiness, I discovered Evivo. When I discussed probiotics with his care provider, she told me they are important for everyone, including babies! I hope that involving Evivo as part of our routine will alleviate Hunter’s gassiness and help him sleep more comfortably.
Have you experienced something similar to this with your babies? Have you ever given probiotics to improve baby gut health? I’m early on in this process, but excited to see results and would love to hear your experiences! You can learn more about Evivo HERE, and use my discount code (BLOGM2BZ94) for $10 off a one month starter kit or (BLOGN949XX) to get $20 off a two month or greater starter kit to try it for yourself! #MyEvivoStory