You guys know from watching my stories for the last 3-4 weeks that my kids have taken turns being absolutely miserable with runny noses, runny eyes, coughing attacks, crazy high fevers, ear infections, and conjunctivitis. You probably also know (if you paid attention 😉 that I hate taking my kids to the doctor unnecessarily and I will do everything I can to avoid putting them on antibiotics.
When Reagan first started showing symptoms, I figured it was allergies due to the yellow pollen flying everywhere and making it’s way into our house. After I closed the doors and windows, turned up the air purifier, and started diffusing our allergy essential oil blend her symptoms disappeared!
Then the next day, she spiked a fever of 105 degrees.
Panicked, I rushed her off to the doctor where they informed me that Reagan had an ear infection. I felt HORRIBLE because I thought I missed early signs and symptoms and made her suffer. More on this to come!
I started Reagan on antibiotics for the ear infection because I was concerned about her high fever. The next morning, Elliott woke up with red and runny eyes and a fever of 103. I took her to urgent care where she was “diagnosed” with pink eye and an ear infection, she started antibiotics that night but we opted to not give the eye drops for pink eye at this time.
Elliott developed a cough over the next few days, so I once again took her to the doctor. I love our pediatrician and if you are like me and want a healthy balance between modern and natural medicine, I highly recommend finding a DO pediatrician instead of an MD. She basically told me everything that had happened to my kids over the last several weeks was due to, and started as, allergies. The discharge from their eyes and noses slid back into their ear canals and became infected, causing the ear infections. In Elliott, the discharge also ran down the back of her throat causing the bad cough. Neither of them ever had pink eye, those symptoms went away on their own after following the steps I am about to share with you!
Obviously I was SO relieved after hearing this, and so grateful for a doctor who doesn’t throw a pill at every scenario and always asks me what I would like to do. The girl’s were on an antibiotic for the first time in years (Elliott has never been on one!) and everything else we are treating naturally.
SO…here’s what we do to treat allergies naturally!

Essential Oils – You guys know how much I love using oils, and the allergy blend is actually what convinced me that oils worked! This was the first case where I had a problem and used essential oils to solve it, and I haven’t looked back since!
–Diffuse: Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint
–Dilute: Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint in a roller bottle with carrier
oil of choice (I like this coconut oil from Amazon) Roll on bottoms of
feet, along spine, behind ears, back of neck, inside of wrists. Apply often!
***Purchase this allergy roller blend HERE.
Find more of my roller bottle recipes and info about essential oils here.

Elderberry Syrup – Obviously I’m going to throw this in there! One of the problems with allergies is that they can be a catalyst for lots of other illnesses. With my kids, the mucus and discharge from allergies became infected and turned into ear infections. Elderberry syrup helps build your immune system so it is better equipped to fight illness when you come in contact with it. Increase elderberry syrup dosage to prevent allergies turning into anything worse!

Air Purifiers – You can purchase a unit like the one we have (found here on Amazon), add air purifying plants to your home, and make sure you clean out your air ducts every 12-18 months (if you’re local to Las Vegas, check out Blue Diamond Air). Do everything you can to keep the pollen out, and keep the air in your home as clean as possible! I actually read this week that the air in our homes is normally 3x worse than the air outside, so it’s very important to stay on top of these things in our homes!
There are lots of other great ideas for treating allergy symptoms naturally, these are the ones that have proven tried and true to work for our family so we stick to them diligently! If you are concerned with how to treat your kids naturally, or want to stop taking allergy medicine yourself, feel free to message or email me your questions and I will be happy to respond!