I never thought I would write a blog post about this, since in years past I have been the crazy lady scouring the internet for last minute tips on putting together family photo outfits the day before a photoshoot. But over the years, with lots of practice, I finally feel like I have the family outfit thing down! I know how stressful taking pictures can be, so I want to share my tips for how to put together outfits for family photos with you today!
How to Put Together Outfits for Family Photos
Plan One Family Member’s Outfit at a Time
Do not go into this process trying to plan everyone’s outfits at the same time, it will not be easy and will cause you a lot of stress! The biggest thing I have learned is to start and finish one family member before moving onto the next. Plan everything from top to bottom, with accessories and shoes, and then do the same for the next person! You can always make little changes as you finish more outfits, but it’s much easier to consider one person done before adding more to the equation.
Base the Rest of the Family Around One Outfit
Usually you find this really cute dress or vest or pair of shoes for one person in the family and you know that’s the direction you want to take with outfits. My second tip is to complete one special outfit and base everyone else’s outfits around that! For example, last year Elliott had this darling bonnet and bloomers set in a floral mustard yellow print. I took the colors in her bonnet to plan the rest of our outfits, and we ended up with really cute and complimenting outfits!

This year I have been really drawn to forrest greens, so my kids had a lot of really cute green accessories and clothes to choose from! It just so happens that the first Christmas gift my husband gave to me was a dark green vest, so I was able to wear that and have a sentimental element to our photos.
Layers for EVERYONE
Nothing adds more texture and dimension to a photo like layers! For kids, try adding a cardigan, knee high socks, vests, or hats – adults can easily wear sweaters or jackets. Another benefit of having layers is removing some for different photos, to give the illusion of an outfit change and make each photo look a little different.

Pick a Family Accessory
A couple of years ago we decided to all wear beanies in our photos! It was a really fun and unique way to tie everything together, and I love how cute everyone looked in their little hats! You could do a similar theme with everyone wearing boots, or matching bows, or quarter zip sweaters.

Coordinate, Don’t Match
One of the things that drives me crazy with family photos is when everyone is wearing the same colors on top or bottom. It’s circa 1990 and looks so matchy matchy, and in my opinion, fake! Go with colors that coordinate well, here are some ideas!
-different shades of neutrals
-gray, white, and black
-maroon and mustard yellow
-navy blue and yellow
-forrest green and gray
-black and red
-pink and white/grey/beige
-different shades of blue and grey

I hope you find these tips for how to put together outfits for family photos helpful! It is fun to look back on these photos and see how much our family has grown and how our styles have changed. I think we are long overdue for another formal family shoot, so maybe we will tackle that next year! Happy planning!
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