Almost two years ago I scored the famous kid’s kitchen from IKEA at our local Goodwill for only $18 and it remains one of my best and favorite Goodwill scores EVER! You can read my first DIY tutorial HERE, but since I made some changes a couple months ago I have had lots of questions on the process. I decided to write this blog post update going over the recent changes I made for anyone wanting to hack their kid’s IKEA kitchen!

I loooooved the navy blue and gold, but the rest of my girl’s play room (toys, clothes, baskets, etc.) is pink so I decided to paint their kitchen pink as well! Here is what it looks like now:

The changes I made involved painting one of the front doors and frame, covering the countertops with white marble contact paper, and changing the backsplash! Here’s how that all went down, in my garage, in about an hour!
-A paint sample from the Behr selection at Home Depot cost me about $2 and was MORE than enough paint!
-I didn’t sand or use primer for this update. I was a little worried but the paint went on well and hasn’t shown any signs of chipping!
-The paint dried really quickly so I did two coats of paint in about 10 minutes each!
-I used my favorite contact paper found HERE on Amazon because it sticks so well and it crazy durable. I even used it on our real kitchen countertops! The kids play rough on their kitchen and I am confident this will hold up for a very long time.
-I used my same trick for creating a faux backsplash as I did on the last kitchen DIY! I took a piece of white poster board, a straight edge, and a sharpie to create a quick and easy subway tile look.

That’s it! Super easy and I’m really happy with how it turned out. And the girls are thrilled to have another piece of pink furniture to call their own!