Taking care of yourself after having a baby might be the last thing on your mind. With the constant neediness of a newborn it can be really difficult to remember to prioritize your postpartum health! This was especially true for me with my first baby, but luckily I had a lot of support after having my second baby that encouraged me to focus on my health in conjunction with the health of my newborn. After having Hunter, I knew my recovery would likely be longer and more difficult due to the dramatic nature of his birth (read more HERE) so I made sure I had my tried and true products on hand before he was born. Today I want to share my experience with postpartum health using Premama Wellness products!
I took Premama Wellness prenatal vitamins all during this pregnancy with Hunter and LOVED them. They have a peppermint oil in each capsule that curbed my morning sickness, and the pills were way smaller than other prenatals I tried. It was a no brainer to continue using their vitamins postpartum!
I was already familiar with Premama’s postpartum lactation support because I used it consistently when I was breastfeeding Elliott. I always struggle with milk supply and the lactation support would double my milk supply in 24-48 hours! The Postnatal vitamins were new to me, and I was excited to try them after giving birth this time around since I loved the Prenatal vitamins so much.

Premama Wellness Postnatal Vitamins
From the Premama Wellness website, “Our postpartum multivitamins are packed with everything you need to promote healing and recovery so you can thrive in early motherhood…Expertly formulated with our team of Medical Advisors, this natural postnatal vitamin uniquely works to alleviate postnatal depletion, ease postpartum depression, improve energy and cognition, and ensure your breast milk is fortified with essential nutrients to boost nutrition.”
Many women continue to take their prenatal vitamins postpartum instead of switching to a postnatal vitamin. Both contain important vitamins like folic acid and B vitamins, but postnatal vitamins also include ingredients geared towards infant development and breastmilk production. Postnatal vitamins can also promote healing in mom’s body after labor and delivery better than a typical prenatal!
I started taking this postnatal supplement the day Hunter was born, and am really enjoying it! The Premama Wellness website suggests keeping these in the fridge for optimal freshness, and taking two capsules every day.

Premama Wellness Lactation Support
From the Premama Wellness website, the lactation support:
- It contains vitamin D3 and calcium, to ensure you’re providing all the essential nutrients your baby needs.
- It’s specially formulated with fenugreek, fennel seed, and blessed thistle, galactagogues (fancy word for herbs that increase milk production) that have been used for generations to support breast milk supply, and work best when taken together.
It is recommended to start taking this supplement anytime after birth to promote milk production.

I started taking the lactation support supplement after giving birth to Elliott in anticipation of low milk supply like I experienced after giving birth to Reagan. After my milk came in, I did not have to supplement feeding her with formula! I even had enough of a supply to pump and save milk for bottles when I went to work every night. I 100% attribute the change in my supply to taking this supplement early on and daily.
If I ran out of this supplement or went a few days without taking it my supply would drop drastically. Within 24-48 hours of starting to take the supplement again my supply would increase and get back to the level it needed to be at!
It was a no brainer for me to continue using the lactation support supplement after giving birth to Hunter. I haven’t had to supplement with formula and Hunter is growing like a weed so I have no doubt that he is getting what he needs!
On the Premama Wellness website I saw that some reviews complained about the taste of the lactation support. I mix one packet into a glass of ice water and I don’t mind the taste at all! It did take me 1-2 days to get used to the flavor but I wouldn’t continue drinking something everyday if I didn’t think it was enjoyable.

Discount Code
I love the Premama Wellness brand SO much for their high quality products and the education they provide about women’s health and postpartum health. They have generously provided me with a discount code for you all to use, shop THIS LINK and use code CASEY10 to save on any of their products!