Happy 3rd Birthday Reagan!

It’s hard to believe I’m typing these words, but HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY REAGAN! This past year has been difficult, adding another member to our family, moving away from our friends, and learning how to manage all the feelings and emotions that come with being two years old, but you have handled it all so well!

In the last six months alone, you went from speaking in very broken phrases to full on sentences, you love telling stories and you remember conversations that you’ve had with others in the past. You like pretending to be a mommy, and have recently started putting your hands on your hips, counting to three, and sighing when your stuffed animals don’t do as you say hahaha.

You are sensitive and loving, and you like to get out of things by offering big hugs to anyone who will accept them. You always ask to be a big helper, and like to help clean the windows, sweep the floors, and pick up toys. You pretend to go to work, and say you’re going to work as a doctor. You have pretend phone conversations on the remotes, magnets, and anything that resembles the shape of a phone!

You want to do everything by yourself, and constantly ask for space so you can be alone. You are an awesome dancer and know the words to songs from your favorite movies. You like being carried like a baby, and being tucked in with all of your animals and blankies at night.

You are such a good big sister, you make up games to play with Elliott and are awesome at sharing your toys. You show her how to do things, and make sure to tell me when she’s doing something dangerous or getting into trouble! You read books to her and snuggle her and give her the sweetest hugs and kisses ever.

My favorite part of this past year has been seeing you grow up so much, learning how to be a part of a family and doing your best to listen and be good. You have conquered so many fears and have grown into such an impressive little person. We love having you in our family, and I’m so proud of everything that you do! 



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