How I Finally Started Using Essential Oils

My journey with essential oils started years ago, I was actually introduced to them for the first time by my mom and I told her she was literally insane to think that rubbing oils on her feet would do anything beneficial. Well fast forward 7 years and here I am blogging about how using essential oils has changed my perspective on health care for my family!

I first started seriously considering essential oils at a make and take class when Reagan was seven months old. We made a roller blend to help with baby tummy touble and a bedtime sleep spray. Reagan had been struggling with tummy issues for months, and after a lot of unanswered questions I was looking for alternative therapies. I was intrigued by the class, but didn’t feel ready to jump in and commit to oils just yet.

About a year later, I was pregnant with Elliott and it was allergy season in San Antonio. There aren’t many allergy medications that are safe during pregnancy, so I reached out to my cousin who is an oil distributor and she sent me some blends that were supposed to help with congestion and allergies. I really had no idea what I was doing, and when I googled  how to use the oils I was met with an overabundance of conflicting information. I gave up almost immediately, and just sat on the oils for several months.

My next encounter with oils was when I was trying to induce labor with Elliott! A friend from Instagram sent me some oils that were supposed to help induce labor, and ones that promote lactation for after birth. I was very diligent in using these, but unfortunately I had to be induced with Elliott at 39 weeks.

About a month ago, I connected with a chiropractor in San Antonio who also uses essential oils and she simply and patiently walked me through why she uses them, how she uses them, and exactly how I could use them for very specific things. We were about to leave for Disneyland, so she helped me make an immunity roller blend, a sleepy blend, and hand sanitizer. After using those three for a couple of weeks, I started to gain confidence and asked more questions about other ways I could use the oils I had to help my kids. I text her several times a week asking if I can do certain things or what she would do in a situation–there is so much information online that I get overwhelmed and have a hard time sorting through it. It was crucial for me to have someone walk me through every single step in order to gain confidence and independence with this new world.

Sooooo. Where am I now? We use oils multiple times per day, every single day. Right now we’re diffusing an allergy blend to help the kids and I with spring allergies, we use the immunity roller and sleep roller before bed time, and I even use a teething oil for Elliott’s gums. I have a spray bottle with oils, water, and witch hazel to use as a room freshener in lieu of Febreeze. It took SEVEN years and a lot of exposure but one month into starting, I’ve been able to integrate oils into our every day lives!

If you’ve been thinking about getting into essential oils but don’t know where to start, or which company to use, or how you would use them please reach out! I can connect you with someone who knows what they’re talking about and won’t judge you for deciding to do things your own way on your own time. MLM businesses can get pushy and uncomfortable, and honestly that’s one of the reasons I felt so overwhelmed at the beginning too. There are ways to use essential oils without spending an arm and a leg each month, and there are numerous ways to make them fit in with your lifestyle and your specific needs! It’s a lot easier having a buddy to start a new lifestyle with, and I’m such a newbie that I’d love to have some of you join in with me. DM me on Instagram, or leave a comment below so we can connect!


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