It was 104 degrees today and I am not about that!
We got back from San Diego a couple days ago and the high every day during our visit was a cool 76 degrees. It was chilly but sunny and wonderful and still warm enough to enjoy the beach…and this Vegas weather has been quite the slap in the face that SUMMER IS HERE.
Did you know that my friend and I get together on stories every Monday to talk about #momhacks? It’s a fun way to learn new tips and discover new products, and this week we talked about sun safety. I thought it was a great topic so I decided to take the next step and write a blog post about it too!
I’m lucky that both of my children tan well, but I myself am horribly white and sunburn SO EASILY so sun safety is at the top of my mind when summer hits. Here is a list of my favorite products and tips for adults and children to stay safe in the sun this year!
Clean Sunscreen – we all know the importance of it and that we should wear it when we’re out in the sun, but have you done much research into what is in the sunscreen you use? Go Google some of those ingredients and I’ll cheer you on as you chuck that spray bottle into the trash can. It’s BAD y’all! Go on over to Amazon and grab this clean brand of sunscreen that’s safe to use on kids and actually works at blocking those UV rays.
Hats, Hats, Hats – Channel your inner Oprah because YOU get a hat, YOU get a hat, and YOU get a hat! Seriously, it’s the easiest way to protect your skin and scalp from the sun. If your kids refuse to wear one, try letting them pick one out on their own! That got both my three year old and my one year old on board! Here is my favorite $15 fedora for women, and my favorite mom life baseball hat from Banky Girl Creations. My kids picked out a pink baseball hat and a Minnie Mouse floppy hat (on sale for $3.99!)
UV Protective Swimwear – Yes it’s a thing and yes it’s game changing! There are a few brands that have this but my personal preference is SwimZip because the styles are cute, the prices are good, and they have mommy and me matching options! We always get the rash guards for that extra, all over sun protection.
Sunglasses – Did you know your eyes could get sunburned?! Yepp. Doesn’t that sound awful? Make sure you protect both your eyes and you children’s eyes this summer! Check out this pair for toddlers, this pair for babies, and anything from this store for cute and affordable pairs for mom and dad.
Daily Moisturizer – You should always use a moisturizer with sunscreen in it, but definitely amp it up during summer months. Find something like this from Neutrogena that has SPF 35 and won’t make your skin oily or greasy!
Other Helpful Tips:
-You are more likely to get burnt on an OVERCAST day. The UV rays are stronger so make sure you apply sunscreen even when it’s cloudy.
-Make sure you drink TONS of water! When you’re dehydrated and sunburnt you run the risk of getting heat exhaustion aka VERY SICK.
-When you do get burnt, don’t use the cheap aloe vera from the store, it’s full of chemicals that irritate your skin further! Use this cold pressed formula for quicker relief.