Our Fall Utah Trip!

We had SO much fun on our trip to Utah last week! I packed a lot of things into the four days we were there, but everything was worth it and I’m so glad we went. It’s kind of daunting taking the kids on road trips by myself, but I’m so glad we got to have these experiences and memories together and the long-ish drive was totally worth it.

We stayed at my cousin’s house in American Fork for the whole time we were there, and she lives in the cutest neighborhood. Her backyard is just fields with horses and a  view of the lake and it’s unbeatable. We took the kids to feed the horses one day and Elliott was so stoked out of her mind, it was adorable! 

The whole reason I wanted to go to Utah was to see the changing leaves. It has been almost 3 years since I’ve experienced true fall and I missed it so much! The first day we were there we all drove up the American Fork canyon and it was STUNNING. The leaves were different shades of gold and red and it was everything I’ve been dreaming of! We stopped at Tibble Creek reservoir, then kept driving up the road to this huge field with a great view, and then a little farther up to see the white aspen trees. It was 30 something degrees according to my car, and the crisp mountain air was perfection. 

We visited old friends and Reagan’s godparents that evening and the next morning, and the following day we decided we wanted to go to a pumpkin patch. For some reason, most of the pumpkin patches in Utah county don’t open until the late afternoon, so we ended up paying the extra money to go to Cornbelly’s. Jared and I came here several times when we were dating and engaged, so it was fun to relive those memories. The place was SUPER busy though, and there was almost too much to see and do. The kids liked the corn pit, the different tractors they could climb, and the tractor ride in the cow barrels.  

One of my favorite parts of the trip was getting these photos taken by Kassidy! She suggested going to Burgess orchards which I was excited about since Burgess is my maiden name, and I used to get asked all the time if I was related to this family. Anyways, the orchard was sooooo cute and Kassidy got some darling pictures of our family! It was early in the morning and cold so my kids were less than cooperative, but she managed to still get some great photos! Reagan’s little sweater is one of my favorite things ever, and can be found here

When we left Utah several years ago, one of the things I knew I would miss was 180 Tacos. This place makes the BEST specialty tacos and I’ve been dreaming of the buffalo chicken taco for 3 years! It wasn’t as enjoyable while basically wrestling two toddlers in a booth by myself, but still so dang good. We grabbed dessert at The Sweet Cream Bar in Provo and holy frickin heck it was SO GOOD! Their ice cream is all homemade, and they put it in this cream filled donut thing as a cone and add toppings and its amazing. Seriously, go get one!

We spent a few hours one morning touring BYU campus and it was lots of fun showing the girls where I worked, where Jared and I met, and where all our classes were! Obviously they didn’t really care, but I sang the fight song probably two dozen times and Reagan knows the words and Elliott does the hand motions, so it was a win! We ate donuts and grabbed some famous creamery chocolate milk, played in the Eyring Science Center, and explored the new family friendly area of the library.  

I am already planning our next trip out, since we are less than a six hour drive away! I don’t care for the snow, so I pretty much have to go in the next couple of weeks because after that it gets too cold haha. Let me know if you’ve done any of the above things, or what other recommendations you have for the Utah Valley area!


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