The Fit Mom Guide – Review!

I think you all pretty much know by now how I feel about working out…I am not one of those people that gets a high from exercising or who craves working out, I literally have to force myself to get up and do something every day!

Before I had kids I was much more proactive when it came to working out. I trained for and ran half marathons, I went to the gym every night (that’s where I met my husband for the first time) and I scheduled workouts between classes during school. But the whole not sleeping in three years and being mentally and physically challenged almost every second of the day thing made my desire to get up and go to the gym (or run 6 miles) non-existent.

I’ve had to really get creative with how and when I exercise. When Reagan was a baby I got together with a group of moms and did mommy baby yoga and workouts where our babies were our weights. It was super fun, but not very practical once I had another baby to chase after. I gained quite a bit of weight while I was pregnant with Elliott, so I was eager to find a workout that I could feasibly do as soon as I hit that six week postpartum mark .

McCall reached out to me shortly after I had Elliott and her workouts sounded like exactly what I needed! Every workout is 20-30 minutes long, requires no weights or equipment, and can be done in your living room. She changes up the moves every day so you don’t get bored (my biggest complaint about BBG!) and each exercise is super targeted to specific muscle groups so you really feel a burn! I was super excited to try them, and I started on week 1 as soon as I was cleared by my doctor.

The thing that’s unique about The Fit Mom Guide is that it’s specifically designed for women who have given birth, meaning that the exercises target the muscle groups that are tricky for moms without furthering damage from diastasis recti or C-section deliveries. In the beginning of the guide, McCall shows you how to check for diastasis recti and based on your results which week of the program to start on. When I checked on myself, I had pretty significant ab muscle separation so I started on week one of the program.

The first two weeks are all about inner core training, meant to repair diastasic recti before continuing on with more rigorous training. There is a section of the guide that explains how to properly engage your transverse abdominis muscles and pelvic floor muscles to help with the healing process. There are pictures and clear, easy instructions to follow to make sure you are doing everything correctly!

Each workout begins with your choice of a warm up and ends with your choice of a cool down, and has three levels of difficulty. I like the different levels because I can switch back and forth if one move is more challenging for me and I need a break! The program is also broken down into three sections, and gets more difficult (longer sets, shorter breaks) as you progress so your body is constantly being challenged.

I’m on my THIRD time completing the program and I’m still not tired of it! The workouts are all so different that my mind and body are constantly being challenged and don’t get bored. I’ve tried other at home workout plans but the moves are usually really repetitive from day to day, so I give up pretty quickly. This is definitely the first guide I’ve been able to complete start to finish multiple times in a row, and I could easily do it a few more times without needing to switch things up!

I’ve recommended this program to all of my mom friends and to my followers on Instagram several times, I can’t say enough good things about it! McCall has generously offered you all a 15% discount code, making the 14 week workout plan and nutrition guide only $42. This is a steal of a deal considering that most similar workout plan guides go for 2-3X that price!

Oh and if you’re pregnant, there’s a Fit Pregnancy Guide so you can start now and continue with the Fit Mom Guide after giving birth!

If you want to jump in and be my accountability partner, I would love to start a support group for everyone to motivate and inspire each other! You can purchase the guide here, then just DM me on Instagram or email me and we can get started! Happy working out everyone!


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