DIY Tummy Roller – Baby

You know how they say hindsight is 20/20? When I found out about this roller blend I started kicking myself for not looking into essential oils earlier!

A little background.

I’ve mentioned this before, but Reagan had horrible tummy troubles from the moment she was born. She literally could not have bowel movements without intervention, and after multiple x-rays and scans (as a one month old people) the doctors had no explanation. We finally figured out that it was the dairy in my diet that was causing the problem, but if I had even the smallest, unintentional exposure to dairy Reagan would be so gassy and uncomfortable for days.

When Reagan was about nine months old, I went to a make and take essential oils class and we made this tummy roller! It has been a staple in our home ever since, and I use it on both the girls regularly even if they aren’t complaining about tummy troubles (prevention is the idea here). It is a game changer for so many parents who’s babies suffer from digestive issues, and if you’re like I was and trying so hard to find a solution then this is for you!

What you need:
-10 drops TummyGize essential oil blend from Young Living
-3 drops Lavender essential oil
-1 drop Peppermint essential oil
-carrier oil (I use this one)
-glass roller bottle (these are my fave)
-cute label (check out my good friend’s shop here)

Add the above listed drops of TummyGize, Lavender, and Peppermint to your glass roller bottle, then fill the rest to the top with carrier oil! Invert several times, and apply to tummies in a clockwise motion when needed.


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