It seems to be a common theme (and almost something to laugh about) that we set New Year’s resolutions and then either give up on them, or forget about them, by around March 1st. I am totally guilty of this! My problem is more forgetting what my goals were, and then having to start over again several times throughout the year. I would like to change this pattern, and make New Year’s resolutions something I can reasonable achieve and measure, so I’ve decided to do monthly resolutions instead!
Short terms goals are really my strong suit because seeing progress is what motivates me to continue working hard. It’s much easier to see progress on a short term, monthly goal, than a long term yearly one, so I think this is going to be really successful for me!
I thought it would be fun to let you guys in on what my goals are each month, not only for accountability but also to inspire and give ideas to anyone who wants to follow along! It’s always more fun when you have friends working together alongside you, and I’d love to make this a group effort!
A lot of these goals will repeat month after month, and I’m sure I’ll change and adapt them if needed. With all that being said, here are my goals for January 2019!

Health Goals
-Go the entire month without eating the foods I’m allergic to. This may seem like a no brainer but when you’re allergic to literally everything and you also make the world’s best cookies, it’s quite the challenge!
-Workout 3 times per week. I’m sure this (or something similar) is on most of our resolution lists, but while I’m averaging working out 3 times per week I want to do it more consistently!
-Yoga every day. I’ve been doing little 20 minute at home yoga sessions through the Bulldog Yoga app and I really like them. I am a super beginner so I don’t like going to classes at the gym, but this app gives me the freedom to do the style and duration of class that I’m comfortable with. And in the last two weeks I’m already seeing improvement!
Business Goals
-I want to enroll people in Young Living every month! I have a specific number in mind, but I’m going to keep that personal 🙂 I love these oils and products and the freedom it gives us to make educated decisions about what we let into our homes and bodies, and I want to share that with as many people as possible.
-I want to grow my Aroma Dough business! I have a number of sales I want to make each week and each month, and I’ve been doing lots of research into how to grow a small shop and get noticed on seller’s platforms. There’s a link above if you want to see what that shop is all about!
Family Goals
We also sat down and made some family goals. We divided these into temporal and spiritual goals, and I thought I’d share them as well!
Temporal Goals
-No school on Sundays. This one is specifically for my husband, but I committed to no work on Sundays!
-Date night at least once per month. Regular date nights have never happened for us, but now that the kids are older and we have family kind of close by, we’re trying to make them happen!
-No more than 1 hour of kid screen time per day.
-Phone off by 9:30pm
-Dates with the kids. We are going to take turns having one on one time with the kids outside of the house!
-Dishes done before bed. I always feel a million times better when I wake up to a clean kitchen! Anyone else?
Spiritual Goals
-Nightly scripture study, together if possible! Jared occasionally stays at school long after my bedtime, so we won’t always get to do this together but we can at least get personal study time in.
-Temple session once per quarter
-Plan family home evening lessons on Saturdays, to have together on Sunday!
-Family prayer and scripture study in the morning at the breakfast table. This is usually the least chaotic time of day and we want to take advantage of it!
I’d love to hear what your goals are, and if you’re also doing a monthly resolution instead of yearly! Let’s chat below, and give each other some ideas!