5 Lies and How I Overcome Them

I was trying to think of what to write about to really connect with you guys since I feel like my content on here hasn’t been reaching people lately. Not that it hasn’t physically been reaching you, but I feel like I’m missing that emotional connection that was so strong when I was pregnant and writing about maternity.

Rachel Hollis’s book, Girl Wash Your Face came to mind, specifically how each chapter is a lie that she has told herself and the story behind why it’s actually a lie. This book really struck a chord with me (and if you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend it!) so I wanted to do a similar post here from my perspective. So here are 5 Lies That I Tell Myself and How I’m Overcoming Them:

  1. I’m not patient: I think I tell myself this one everyday! Honestly though, I’m one of the most patient people I know, it’s just hard to have that perspective when I’ve told a certain toddler 18 times to sit down while she’s eating while feeding a baby oatmeal that she keeps spitting out all over my freshly vacuumed carpet. We all have a breaking point, mine is somewhere around that 18th time of repeating myself but even when I think that I’ve lost it, I’m still very in control and very even tempered. In the heat of the moment, I try to stretch my patience by walking away for 10 seconds, taking three big breaths, locking the bathroom door next time I pee, or just letting there be a mess for one minute. It’s a work in progress, but at the end of the day I can look back and see just how well I did in those chaotic situations.
  2. My house is a disaster: I have pretty bad OCD when it comes to having a tidy house (tidy is not the same as clean btw) so our house is rarely an actual disaster. I tend to over-exaggerate the situation by saying that it’s completely wrecked/destroyed/demolished when really it’s one 20 minute blitz away from being spotless. I’m trying to have bigger perspective during the day when I catch myself stressing about how messy it is, and realizing that it won’t take as long as I think to get things back in order.
  3. I need chocolate: I tell myself this one like 4-5 times a day, it’s so bad! Jared has actually hidden all the chocolate and cookies from me because I was eating them all before he had a chance to have any. For so long I’ve turned to chocolate as a stress relief or as a reward for getting through fill in the blank, knowing that this is an addictive cycle and a habit I need to break quickly has made me look at things differently. This is a lie I’m still working to overcome, but distracting myself with other activities and taking a pre-workout supplement (to force myself to work out instead so I don’t waste pre-workout lol) have both worked pretty well.
  4. I don’t know what I’m doing: Okay to some extent this is true lol, but for the most part I DO know what I’m doing! It’s easy to get overwhelmed in motherhood, to feel like I never have the answers and to wonder why my kids won’t sleep through the night even when I’ve tried every method out there, or why they keep getting sick or won’t try new foods or won’t eat at all. But I know my kids better than anyone else, eventually I find the answers and I am doing a dang good job raising them. Just because I don’t always have the answer as quickly as someone else, doesn’t mean I don’t know the answer at all. I’ve solved lots of tricky problems, I’m the one who understands my toddler’s gibberish best, and I know the signals and cue of my 11 month old baby. I’ve kept little humans alive and thriving for 3 years, and that means that I know what I’m doing.
  5. Down time is wasted time: I feel so guilty when I decide to watch some Netflix and eat lunch before picking up the house when the kids go down for naps. Like I can’t take care of myself before taking care of the dishes and starting a load of laundry because my priorities aren’t in order. This may sound ridiculous but it’s something I struggle with everyday! The dishes and laundry will get done, and it’s okay if they sit for an hour while I regain my sanity over some Grey’s Anatomy and my kid’s leftovers (keeping it real over here).

My life is chaotic, and I need functional, cute, and comfy clothes that I can chase toddlers, make dinner, and relax in. This tee from PinkBlush met all of those requirements and will be on repeat all summer long! The material is super soft, making for a perfect baby cuddle spot and I love the contrasting stripes and pocket. PinkBlush carries super cute women’s and maternity clothing that are bump and nursing friendly, plus their wide range of styles mean there’s something for everyone and every occasion (check out the dress I wore in our gender reveal here). I’m wearing the Mauve Striped Accent Pocket Top, it runs true to size!


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